A wise man once said, "It doesn't matter who you love, but how you love."
I believe the love between two consenting adults
who want to make a formal public commitment to each other should
be celebrated with the same joy and acceptance as for any other "traditional" couple.
In June of 2011, the State of Illinois
acknowledged the "civil union", and allowed same-sex couples to legally join together in civil unions. I have been honored
to perform those ceremonies.
(Just a note: couples of the opposite sex can also join in civil union.)
And on June 1, 2014, same-sex marriages became legal in Illinois, followed by the federal Marriage Equality Act on June 26, 2015 allowing for same-sex marriage in all 50 states. It is my privilege to be able to perform these ceremonies as well!
While yours can follow many of the elements
of a traditional wedding, the ceremony can also include readings
or music that are geared specifically towards what is unique about
a same-sex union.
Rituals such as the Unity Candle or Blending of
Sands can also be woven into your ceremony.
Visit Other "Joyful Promises" and Additional
Rituals for some ideas.
Know what you want to say, but not quite how to
say it? I can help craft your vows so that they reflect who you
are and the unique nature of your relationship with each other.
Together we can make your
ceremony a beautiful
celebration of your love. |